About Grand Champion Todorhaus' Ride The Wild Wind

Lightning'Ride The Wild Wind' is a "Rider on the Storm" Lightning

Listen to: " Riders On The Storm "
Music by The Doors

AKC Grand Champion Todorhaus 'Ride The Wild Wind' aka "Rider" was born from a litter of 9 puppies on October 11, 2014. Rider was bred by Sharon Todoroff of Todorhaus German Shepherds located in Columbus Minnesota. Todorhaus German Shepherds has predominantly American lines, but occasionally breeds to German lines. Their dogs are known for conformation and also work in herding, agility, tracking and service work.

Both Rider's sire and dam were from Todorhaus lines. As pick of the litter, Rider was placed in a show home. Rider is owned by Kenneth and Ann Jeddeloh of Hudson, Wisconsin. Ann is active in the  German Shepherd Dog Club of Minneapolis, St. Paul. We were introduced to Ann Jeddeloh at the Midwest German Shepherd Dog Club of America (GSDCA) Futurities in 2021, and it was there we first learned about Rider.

Todorhaus Ride The Wind

After our introduction, we learned Rider was a Todorhaus Cloud Dragon "Drako" son. We had successful litters from Drako and appreciated the quality of his progeny. Upon learning Rider was an AKC Grand Champion and had not yet sired any progeny, we decided to consider breeding him in our lines. Rider earned his American Kennel Grand (AKC) Grand Championship in 2018. He was tested by the Orthopedic Foundation for Animals and has been certified with OFA Hips Good and Elbows Normal. He has been tested for Degenerative Myelopathy (DM) and is DM Clear. View Rider's pedigree on the Pedigree Database...

Todorhaus Ride The Wind

 A Total Dog displays many abilities in function, temperament, and structure. Our Total Dog philosophy places an emphasis on dogs that can show and perform in multiple venues utilizing multiple disciplines, such as displaying the gait appropriate for their breed type while in the show ring, and then using that superb construction to effortlessly to compete in performance activities. A sound, well-bred, well-adjusted dog can easily transition from the conformation show ring to a performance event. Venues as agility, herding, rally, obedience, scent detection and tracking, IGP (IPO/Schutzhund), lure coursing and weight pull are typical performance events. A Total Dog has the looks to excel as a proper specimen of its breed, while also having the brains and ability to perform athletically in a variety of working and sporting venues. Yet it does not stop there... A Total Dog is a power dog, and as man's best friend will be of service to its owner. Total Dogs can perform in service to their owners, our nation and citizens in the defense and protection of our country.

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